Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Do you have the "Write Stuff"

The library is looking for young writers who have the "Write Stuff."

A new creative writing class for students in grades 4-6 has just started.

The class will be from 3:45-4:30 on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. If you or someone you know who is interested in exploring writing, and sharing, we want you to join us.

Just pick up a flyer or leave your name and phone number at the circulation desk at the library.

We know you have the Write Stuff!

Craft Time @ the Library

Join us every Thursday afternoon for a half hour Craft Time.
1st-4th Graders will be painting, coloring and gluing a project that is all their own.

Listed below is the October Schedule:

October 13...Make a scarecrow door knob hanger

October 20...Create a display with Indian Corn

October 27...Make a halloween window hanging

Story Time @ the Library

Library Story Time has just started at the library.

Each week, a different topic has been chosen to focus on during the half hour.

Join us either on Wednesdays at 9:30 am or Saturdays at 10:00 am.

We hope to see you at the library to hear some good stories and meet some new or old friends.

4th Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest

The Osage City Public Library is sponsoring the 4th Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest.

The deadline to enter is October 24 and entry forms can be picked up at the library.

Winners will be notified after the judging takes place on Wednesday, October 26.

All ages are welcome.

Movies @ the Library

The library will be showing movies when the Osage City Public Schools are not in session or release early.

We will be showing "Space Camp" on Tuesday, October 25.

The movie will be from 1:30-3:30 pm.

The movie is free and all ages are welcomed.

We hope to see you at the library.

Computer Time @ the Library

The library will be having Computer Time for elementary age students on Monday, October 24.

The class for 1st and 2nd graders will be from 1:30-2:00 pm and the class for 3rd-5th grades will be 2:30-3:00 pm.

Due to limited spaces, sign up is required to attend.

To sign up for the Computer classes or for more information, contact the library at 785-528-3727.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Autumn in a Small Town

The Friends of the Library is sponsoring "Autumn in a Small Town," a photography contest.

There are two age groups: 14 and younger and 15- Adult.

Photos should be of autumn related subjects...fall leaves, pumpkins, farmers harvesting the crops, a football game are just a few ideas.

Photos must be entered at the library by October 19.

All photos will be displayed at the library and will be returned.

Winners & prizes will be announced after judging.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Do you have unclaimed property?

The Office of the Kansas State Treasurer has an Unclaimed Property Division that seeks to return various forms of unclaimed property to the rightful owner or heirs. Businesses, in Kansas send to the State Treasurer's office, names of people with accounts that have been abandoned and still have money in the account.

To check and see if you have any unclaimed property visit the state treasurer's website at:

Good Luck!